The IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) allows individuals age 70.5 or older to give the Franciscans up to $100,000 annually from a qualifying IRA. A QCD may count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD) and reduce taxable income. Although RMD is not required until age 73, a QCD can be beneficial for donors who do not itemize and instead file the standard deduction. Making an IRA QCD is easy to arrange. Contact your IRA trustee to request a QCD to the Franciscans for 2023. Thank you!
To learn more about how your IRA QCD can help the Franciscan friars serve our poor and marginalized sisters and brothers, contact Brian Smail, OFM, via email at or by calling 646-473-0265, ext. 303.
Your IRA QCD will greatly help the Franciscan friars in their care of the poor — the more than 2 million children, women and men who the friars provide with food, clothing, shelter, and other basic life necessities at food pantries, soup kitchens, migrant centers, and other outreach ministries across the country.